Whilst birding Qaryat Al Ulya in late November Phil and I came across a Black-winged Kite perched on the overhead wires. This is the first time we have seen this species at this locality and shows the continuing spread of this once rare bird. The first record of Black-winged Kite for the Eastern Province was only found on 17 April 2012, but since then has become more common with a current status as an uncommon breeding resident. This bird like all others seen in the Eastern Province is Elanus caeruleus vociferous, the subspecies that occurs from Pakistan east to southern & eastern China, Indochina and the Malay Peninsula. Whilst in this area of large pivot fields we also saw a few Corn Bunting a species not seen often in the areas we birdwatch, as well as a single Steppe Eagle flying over just south of this location. The best bird seen was a very close Shikra perched on a wire fence but unfortunately it flew before any photos were taken. This species is becoming commoner in the Eastern Province like is the case in the UAE.
Black-winged Kite |
Black-winged Kite |
Black-winged Kite |
Black-winged Kite |
Corn Bunting |