The confiding Northern Lapwing found by Alma and Eric a week or so ago remained on the football fields for some days and allowed very close views and occasionally came close to the edge of the fields allowing good photos to be taken. This bird has behaved very differently to the previous birds seen on the same fields that flew even if another bird approached them. As mentioned in previous posts Northern Lapwing is a very scarce bird in the camp with this year being exceptional, with this bird possibly the eighth individual. All previous years they have been seen there has only ever been one. The Birds of the Eastern Province 1989 mentioned Northern Lapwing were a scarce and somewhat irregular visitor with records from November to early April but chiefly from November through January. In 1979-71 up to 15 wintered in Dhahran but this proved to be exceptional, showing how large this flock was at that time. Elsewhere in Saudi Arabia, high counts have been at 425 at Haradh 5 February 2016, at Al Safi Dairy farm, Central Province, where at least 111 individuals were seen 25 January 2001. Birds of Thumamah 1988-1994 said maximum numbers were 100 in the winter 1992/1993. Its status in the Kingdom is as an uncommon winter visitor to all areas north of a line from Hofuf, through Riyadh to Hail and onwards to the Red Sea coast. Good numbers are also now being seen in the extensive pivot fields in the Tabuk and Sakaka areas.