11 October 2024

Rose-ringed Parakeets – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

Whilst checking out the birds at Dhahran Waste Water Lake recently and I saw a two Rose-ringed Parakeets Psittacula krameria fly over calling. They landed in a nearby tree out of sight but flew off shortly after landing allowing a few photographs to be taken. The species is a locally common resident in larger cities in Saudi Arabia. They are relatively common in Riyadh but outside the capital it is less frequent and rather scarce in the southwest. They are also a common resident to towns and villages of the Gulf, including my local patch of Dhahran and in Jeddah. They are probably an introduced species that have become a self-sustaining resident breeder although this is unclear as record keeping on birds of the region has not been so good over the years. Even though I see the species almost every day they remain difficult to photograph.