05 September 2024

Whimbrels – Dhahran Cricket Field

Below are two photos of one of two Whimbrel I have been seeing on the Dhahran Cricket Field over the last week. I have been trying to get photos of birds on the ground as well as in flight to check the wing pattern, especially the underwing for signs of Steppe Whimbrel. Neither bird had the typical pale underwings associated with Steppe Whimbrel, but I will keep persevering. Trying to take photos of the birds in flight was quite difficult when on my own, as the birds just run away and keep their distance. On occasions a runner or dog walker would flush the birds and if very lucky they would sometimes fly over me or circle around allowing some photos. The birds are seen first thing in the morning and again after work at 16:15 hrs and if last year is repeated numbers should increase over the next couple of weeks.