Whilst birding the Al Uqair area last weekend we saw a few migrants. A Lesser Grey Shrike was a little unusual, with three other shrike species seen including Great Grey, Red-backed and Daurian. Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin may have been a migrant or alternatively one of the breeding birds from earlier in the year. Other signs of migration included a few Barn Swallows and several Greater Sand Plover on the coast. A single Whimbrel was quite early and about ten Greater Hoopoe Larks were a seen in an area where we had not seen this type of number before. The coast had a couple of White-cheeked Tern and a single Little Tern along with Kentish Plover. Migrations should start in earnest in the next week or so which I am looking forward to.
Whimbrel |
Whimbrel |
Whimbrel |
Greater Hoopoe Lark |