
04 June 2024

Collared Pratincoles – Al Asfar Lake

As it is getting very hot now and walking around is unpleasant after about 07:00 hrs we decided to go to Al Asfar Lake, Hufuf where we could spend more time in the air-conditioned car. We have not been here before at this time of year and saw a few interesting birds. A Black-crowned Night Heron was located by Phil at the edge of the reeds but unfortunately, I only saw it in flight. A Collared Pratincole was standing on the main track and after a while flew off into the wet area where it was joined by two more birds, although one of my photographs shows there were actually four bird present and not the three that we noted. Another good bird seen was a single Pied Avocet. Egrets and herons were plentiful with lots of Squacco Herons and Little Egrets and a few Little Bittern. Little Terns and Kentish Plovers were also numerous with Kentish Plover chicks seen on a number of occasions. This is now getting to the slowest part of the year bird wise so we were quite happy with our records.

Squacco Heron

Collared Pratincole

Collared Pratincole