
30 June 2024

Birding the Bahah area – Bahah

Whilst birding recently in the Bahah in mid-June we saw a lot of good birds including a number of Arabian Endemics. The commonest was Arabian Serin with tens of birds seen mainly at distance but occasionally in trees close to the road we were walking along. Yemen Thrush was likewise common alongside Yemen Linnet. Good numbers of Arabian Wheatear were also present and two Pied Cuckoo. Long-billed Pipits and Cinnamon-breasted Buntings were plentiful among the roadside rocks and five Red-rumped Swallow were flying around and perched on the overhead wires. The are we were was full of vegetation with very healty looking trees including juniper.

Arabian Serin

Arabian Serin

Arabian Serin

Arabian Serin

Arabian Wheatear

Long-billed Pipit

Long-billed Pipit

Yemen Linnet