
03 May 2024

Various Warblers – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

The scrubby area next to Dhahran Waste Water Lake has had a lot of warblers passing through in recent days. The weather is cooler and wetter than normal for this time of year and the birds appear to be liking the climate. Graceful Prinia is a resident breeding species and a lot of birds are now singing as they are in their breeding season. Willow Warbler numbers have increased dramatically in the last couple of weeks with upwards of fifty birds seen on a single day. As the Willow Warbler numbers have increase so has the Common Chiffchaff numbers decreased with many days none seen and on a good day one or two. Barred Warbler is another species of warbler that has started to show up with four birds the day high for me. Lesser Whitethroat numbers have also been high this spring with birds seen on every visit in numbers up to seven. Another resident breeder that is singing now is Clamorous Reed Warbler. As there are phragmites reeds at the edge of the lake the birds have moved in to breed here and are very noisy first thing in the morning before the temperature increases too much.

Barred Warbler

Clamorous Reed Warbler

Clamorous Reed Warbler

Common Chiffchaff

Common Chiffchaff

Graceful Prinia

Graceful Prinia

Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler