
17 May 2024

Common Whitethroat arriving – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

The scrubby areas around the Waste Water Lake at Dhahran are attracting quite a few migrants. Barred Warblers are common and in early May the first Common Whitethroats appeared in Dhahran, some giving good views. The lake is a good place to see birds flying around catching insects with lots of Pallid Swifts, Sand Martins and Barn Swallows all in small groups. The below photo of the Pallid Swift shows a large full crop, full of insects it has caught. European Bee-eaters have been moving through in good numbers and are mainly seen in flight rather than perched. They sometimes use the overhead power lines for perching, but the light is never good when I see them there for photographs. Other birds seen in good numbers around the lake include Laughing Dove, Spotted Flycatcher and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, of which some of the latter will stay and breed.

Common Whitethroat

Common Whitethroat

Common Whitethroat

Barred Warbler

European Bee-eater

European Bee-eater

European Bee-eater

Laughing Dove

Laughing Dove

Pallid Swift

Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin

Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin

Sand Martin

Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher