Deffi Park in the winter is an excellent place to see Crested Honey Buzzard that have been wintering there every winter for the past six years. The last couple of times I have been I have seen a Crested Honey Buzzard but they have not been very confiding. I also saw an active bee nest in the park, the food that the Crested Hone Buzzards prefer. The park is also one of the best places in the Eastern Province to see Masked Shrike in the winter where up to three birds spend the winter. Apart from a number of Common Chiffchaff the only other interesting species was Red-throated Pipit where up to seven birds were seen feeding on the grass along with two Water Pipits.
Crested Honey Buzzard |
Honey Bee nest |
Masked Shirke |
Red-throated Pipit |
Red-throated Pipit |
Red-throated Pipit |