
14 May 2023

Hundreds of Shrikes – Jubail

Birding the Jubail area in early May produced a good number of migrants. On arrival it became apparent there were plenty of shrikes around and by the end of the day I had counted 142 Red-backed Shrikes, 12 Lesser Grey Shrikes and six Daurian Shrikes. Although shrikes are common in Saudi Arabia on passage this was an exceptional number for a single day and single location. Warblers seen were mainly Willow Warbler and Barred Warblers with a few Common Whitethroat. Other migrants included a few European Bee-eaters flying over calling, several Spotted Flycatchers, several small groups of Ortolan Bunting and four Whinchat. Yellow Wagtails were seen in various locations in several large groups with most birds being male thumbergi. A single Common Nightingale and two Rufous-tailed Scrub Robins were also seen. Wader numbers are building again with most birds being Little Stints and Kentish Plovers.

Common Whitethroat

Lesser Grey Shrike

Lesser Grey Shrike

Lesser Grey Shrike

Lesser Grey Shrike

Ortolan Bunting

Red-backed Shrike

Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher





Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler

Yellow Wagtail - thunbergi

Yellow Wagtail - thunbergi

Yellow Wagtail - thunbergi

Yellow Wagtail - thunbergi