
08 May 2023

A scattering of migrants – Dhahran Wastewater Lake

Birding Dhahran Wastewater Lake recently produced double figures of Black-crowned Night Heron. These birds are normally seen very early in the morning, like the ones photographed here, or in the late evening. Other herons were few and far between with only a handful of Squacco Heron and five Grey Heron. The best bird was a Crested Honey Buzzard, but I was not quick enough to get a photograph of the bird. Several hundred Pallid Swift were flying over the lake, but trying to get good photos of these fast-flying birds is not easy. Many of the birds were showing signs of feather wear suggesting they may have already bred locally, with several coming down to drink water on occasions. Three Ortolan Bunting were in a tree by the lake and twenty Willow Warblers were scattered around in the bushes. Otherwise, a single Common Nightingale was the only other migrant seen. Delicate Prinia were singing in the bushes but never allowed close approach.

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Delicate Prinia

Pallid Swift

Pallid Swift

Pallid Swift

Pallid Swift

Pallid Swift