
04 March 2023

Wintering species and first migrants – Deffi Park

Whist birding Deffi Park in mid-February we saw the normal wintering and resident species. Common Myna is plentiful in the park but a species I seldom photograph, and the warblers seen were several calling Chiffchaffs and Lesser Whitethroats. Another species that winters and can be heard calling is Masked Shrike and this trip I managed to take a couple of photos of one bird. House Crow is very common in Jubail and plenty are in residence in Deffi Park. They are normally seen perched on top of tall lampposts or flying over so one sitting in a tree was a better spot for a photo. The first migrants were also seen in the form of eight Red-throated Pipits that were feeding on a grassy area of the park. We often see Crested Honey Buzzard in this park but this last time we could not locate any, although I am sure they will still be around somewhere nearby.

Common Myna

Common Myna

House Crow

Masked Shrike

Masked Shrike

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit