
20 March 2023

Plovers – Al Uqayr

As I had seen a few close Greater Sand Plover & Lesser Sand Plover on the coast at Al Uqayr I was planning on visiting this area earlier in the morning when the light is better for photography. As it turned out I went at almost the same time as the week before because the birding in the farm was good and I stayed longer trying to get some good photos of the Common Chiffchaffs. There were a few more Greater Sand Plover & Lesser Sand Plovers than the previous week with approximately ten of each and a couple of Kentish Plover were also seen close. I got some quite good photos of al the species mentioned which are shown below but will probably try again to see if I can get there earlier and hope some other species of waders have arrived.

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Kentish Plover

Kentish Plover

Kentish Plover

Kentish Plover

Lesser Sand Plover

Lesser Sand Plover