
14 March 2023

Normal birds - Dhahran Waste Water Lake

Whilst birdwatching around the Waste Water Lake in Dhahran recently I have been seeing the same species continually. The lake has a good gathering of Common Black-headed Gull which occasionally attract one or two passing Steppe Gull. They normally just fly in and fly off but occasionally settle briefly for a wash. The three Glossy Ibis are still present and have now been around for almost three months. They are always timid and never really allow close views, which is surprising as they have been around for so long and seldom get disturbed. Two Western Marsh Harrier are also present, that have also been around for months now and flew so close to me I could only just fit them in the photos. The number of Great Cormorant has decreased markedly over the winter with only a few tens remaining from the several hundred of their peak numbers with some birds are coming into fine breeding plumage. Overhead can be seen several Pallid Swift some of which drop down lower over the water but I have not seen any drinking water of wetting their feathers in the lake yet. Another species that fly over quite regularly is Rose-ringed Parakeet, a common species in Dhahran camp but one not so easily seen elsewhere. Eurasian Collared Dove is also a common species in Dhahran and can be seen flying over or perched on the nearby trees and shrubs around the lake. 

Common Black-headed Gull

Common Black-headed Gull

Common Black-headed Gull

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Eurasian Collared Dove

Pallid Swift

Pallid Swift

Western Marsh Harrier

Western Marsh Harrier

Steppe Gull

Steppe Gull

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet