
10 February 2023

Wastewater Lake – Dhahran Hills

The lake in Dhahran Hills has been holding a few birds recently with a number of Squacco Heron, Little Egret, Grey Heron and Western Great Egret. Three Glossy Ibis were a much more uncommon sight. Birds on the water included the wintering Great Crested Grebe, fifty plus Little Grebes ad a single Black-necked Grebe. Great Cormorant, Black-headed Gull and Gull-billed Terns were still present and European Stonechat, Daurian Shrike, Delicate Prinia and Crested Larks were in the vegetation and rough areas around the pond. Two Crested Honey Buzzards were seen in flight but at a great distance and on a grass area near to the waters edge was a single Eurasian Hoopoe.

Squacco Heron

Squacco Heron

Crested Lark

Crested Lark

Eurasian Hoopoe

Glossy Ibis & Squacco Heron

Grey Heron

Little Egret