
14 February 2023

Various Herons – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

I visited the Dhahran Waste Water Lake at the weekend and found a lot of herons as always. The common herons are Western Great Egret, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Squacco Heron and Western Reef Heron. All of these species were present but also seen were a Purple Heron and two adult Black-crowned Night Heron. I see the Nigh Herons occasionally, but they normally stay well hidden in the reeds and pools so normally just see them in flight, as was the case this visit.

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Grey Heron

Grey Heron

Indian Reef Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron - adult

Black-crowned Night Heron - adult