
12 February 2023

Increasing numbers of Water Pipits – Dhahran Hills

Birding the football and cricket fields in Dhahran Hills recently produced more than fifty Water Pipits. This species is a common winter visitor occurring from October until April and were happily feeding on the short grass of the football fields. Although they are common in the Eastern Province I have never seen this number together in Dhahran where less than five are normally seen. As I could drive the car close to the pitch, I was able to get close to a few different birds. Most were in the centre of the football field but a few were closer to the field edge, allowing some close-up photos to be taken. Also feeding on the field were several White Wagtail and a single Red-throated Pipit, which kindly moved from the centre of the football pitch to close to the edge for better photos. 

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

Water Pipit

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit