
04 February 2023

Birding Jubail in January

In late January we went to Jubail but there had been lots of rain the previous few days and the area was flooded. Quite a few Western Great Egrets were present at one of the large water outlets, as normal and a little further down the reedbeds two Purple Heron were seen in flight. Plenty of Little Egrets and Squacco Herons were also around. Birds were quite scarce but the first two Siberian Stonechats of the winter were seen at this location by me with a smart male and a female. Daurian Shrikes were around in small numbers and a single Desert Wheatear was seen. Two barn Swallow were seen in flight but very little else.

Daurian Shrike

Daurian Shrike

Daurian Shrike

Little Egret

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Siberian Stonechat

Western Great Egret

Western Marsh Harrier