The Dhahran Hills Lake has had a number of different species of gull on it over the last few weeks. A large group of thirty plus Black-headed Gulls is always present flying around and occasionally sitting on the water. They are sometimes joined by one or two large white-headed gulls which seem to be mainly Steppe Gulls with the occasional Heuglin’s Gull. These birds do not stop very often and mainly just fly over, being attracted by the Black-headed Gull flock but when they find there is little of interest for them they fly off again. They very rarely settle on the water and are normally only seen first thing in the morning and last thing at night going to and from their roosting area.
Steppe Gull |
Steppe Gull |
Steppe Gull |
Common Black-headed Gull |
Common Black-headed Gull |