
30 December 2022

Ducks on Dhahran Hills Lake – Dhahran

I visited Dhahran Hills lake at first light in late December I found a group of four Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, two males and two females. They kept close to the lake edge near to cover and due to the cover around the lake I was able to get reasonably close to them before they noticed me a flew off. Also on the lake were seventeen Eurasian Teal, a mix of males, males in eclipse plumage and females. They were out in the middle of the lake but flew when a Marsh Harrier flew overhead. In the Eastern Province Mallard is an uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor that generally occurs from late August until May, with peak numbers from September to March. It occurs mainly in the coastal zone where they often frequent coastal areas and inland pools. The only regular sites are the Dammam area where birds are often seen in Tarout Bay and the Jubail area that regularly has small flocks of up to 35 birds in the winter. Inland records have come from Dhahran Saudi Aramco camp percolation pond and Abqaiq lagoons where birds are seen each winter in numbers up to 15 birds. The species is extremely weary in the Kingdom and getting close to birds is extremely difficult. Eurasian Teal is a common passage migrant, common winter visitor and erratic summer visitor that is widespread throughout Saudi Arabia both as a broad front migrant from February to March and again from September to October). Many birds overwinter from November to February such as the birds I saw.









Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal