
05 November 2022

Long-tailed Shrike in Bahrain – Bird record by Jehad Alammadi

Jehad Alammadi kindly sent me some of his excellent photos of a Long-tailed Shrike he found at a farm Barbar in the north of Bahrain on 31 October 2022. Jehad also found one last year on 27 October on a private farm in Galali also in the north of Bahrain and thinks it may be the same bird. As far as I am aware these are the first records for the species for Bahrain. I am now hoping one will cross the water and be found in Saudi Arabia. We only have one record for the Kingdom of an adult at Dhahran golf course, Dhahran, 14 February to 4 April 2015. Although this bird stayed for quite some time I din not manage to get anywhere near as good as set of photos as Jehad has done of his bird. Jehad has kindly given me permission to use his photos on my website which are shown below.