
09 October 2022

Some different migrants - Jubail

Migration has been a little slow this autumn but a few birds are passing through. Last visit to Jubail produced good numbers of Barn Swallow and Sand Martins mainly in flight over the reed beds but a couple of Barn Swallows perched nicely in a stick allow the below photos to be taken. A single European Turtle Dove was in a small bush with three European Collared Doves. As I approached the three European Collared Doves flew off leaving the European Turtle Dove for me to try to get pictures. The trouble was that branches or leaves were always in the way but as I have not seen this species at all this year I took a few photos of the bird. Later a single Lesser Short-toed Lark was noted in amongst the bushes that were also holding two Egyptian Nightjar, the last ones of the year. A single European Bee-eater was perched in the reeds and the first few returning Greater Flamingo were noted out on the flooded Sabkha. 

European Bee-eater

European Turtle Dove

Greater Flamingo

Lesser Short-toed Lark

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow