
29 September 2022

White-cheeked Terns – Jubail

During September the number of White-cheeked Terns started decreasing although good numbers still remained in Jubail. Many spend time sitting on the coastal edges of flooded sabkha areas, some allowing close approach. White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa is a common breeding summer visitor to the Gulf and Red Sea coast north to Jeddah. Birds start occurring in April and by June there are very large numbers as this is the start of their breeding season. White-cheeked Tern juveniles occur from late July and August and some remaining until October. Winter records are rare in the Eastern Province, although they have been seen occasionally. Birds breed offshore Jubail on small islands and use wetland areas of Jubail as feeding areas.  Amongst the White-cheeked Terns I also saw a single Lesser Crested Tern, a species seldom seen in the location I regularly birdwatch.

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

White-cheeked Tern

Lesser Crested Tern