
21 September 2022

Plenty of species of wader - Jubail

A trip to Jubail in early September was very good for waders. The numbers on the flooded Sabkha were high but surprisingly there were plenty of waders of various species over the remainder of the location, which is not so usual. The first surprise was three Collared Pratincole on the flooded sabkha, a species I have not seen at this location for more than a year. Other waders seen in larger than normal numbers were Common Ringed Plover, Dunlin and hundreds of Little Stints and Kentish Plovers. Smaller numbers of Eurasian Curlew, Greater Sand Plover and Ruddy Turnstone were also seen. Other waders seen but not photographed were Common Redshank, Common Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper and Lesser Sand Plover.

Kentish Plover

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Little Stint

Kentish Plover

Kentish Plover

Collared Pratincole

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Common Ringed Plover

Common Ringed Plover

Common Ringed Plover