
23 September 2022

A few returning migrants – Jubail

As September started so did an increasing number of shrikes. The first species to arrive in the autumn are Turkestan Shrike closely followed by Duarian Shrike and then Woodchat Shrike. All were seen in small numbers. Yellow Wagtail numbers started to increase as well with plenty of scruffy looking individuals but also one or two in better plumage such as the one in the photo below. Sand Martins really increased in numbers with several hundred seen in early September mainly flying over but with the occasional bird perched in the reeds. Barn Swallow was also common but numbers remained much lower than Sand Martin. A single Wryneck was a nice sight, perched on the edge of a track by the reed beds. Although I see the species reasonably often it is difficult to get good photos of them. Migrants seen but not photographed included Black-eared Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters. Squacco Heron is a migrant but they probably breed nearby so difficult to tell exactly how far they have moved. Numbers of this species are building up again after they departed for the summer months to breed elsewhere. Numbers of Grey Heron are also increasing after the lack of birds during the summer months.

Turkestan Shrike

Woodchat Shrike

Eurasian Wryneck

Yellow Wagtail

Sand Martin

Sand Martin

Grey Heron

Squacco Heron