
08 August 2022

Phil’s Fields - Sabya

Whilst birding the Sabya area in the summer we saw the normal range of good birds. Birds you are almost guaranteed to see in the pivot fields either on the overhead wires or the pivot irrigation sprayers themselves are Abyssinian Roller. This species is common in the southwest but these fields are one of the best places to see the birds. The only issue is that it is difficult to get photos of them on anything like a natural perch. Other common species building nests and raising young in the fields are Ruppell’s Weaver. These also use the pivot irrigation structures to rest on but drop down to the fields to collect nesting material and food. Western Cattle Egret are very common and often follow behind the water spray to take a shower, keep cool and catch prey. Common Myna can also be seen almost anywhere but mainly in the fields and fields behind where they are common.

Ruppell's Weaver

Ruppell's Weaver

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Western Cattle Egret

Common Myna

Abyssinian Roller