
09 July 2022

Some Breeding Birds – Khafra Marsh

Whilst birding at Khafra Marsh last weekend there were very few birds about although I did see a few unusual breeding species. This site became the second breeding site for Grey-headed Swamphen in Saudi Arabia after Sabkhat Al Fasl, when breeding birds were seen in August 2011. Numbers have increased over the years and birds are now seen every visit throughout the year. Other good breeding birds included Spur-winged Lapwing and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin, although only adults were seen this visit. A small flock of nine Indian Silverbills mean this species has now been recorded in all months of the year and is probably breeding after it was first seen at the site in 2020. Another breeding species that has spread to Khafra Marsh in recent years is White-eared Bulbul with birds now seen in almost all the small farm and allotment areas of the site.