
14 June 2022

Ferruginous Ducks breeding – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in mid-June 2022 I came across a pair of Ferruginous ducks with eight juveniles. Although the juvenile birds were old enough to fly it suggests they bred in this area this year. This is the first time I have recorded juveniles in the summer at this location although adults have been noted in the last three years. The Ferruginous Duck is an uncommon passage migrant, winter visitor and a rare breeder with most birds occurring from September to April. The species is currently listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN and prefers shallower and more vegetated areas than other Aythya species and seldom sits out on open water. Due to their behaviour it is difficult to get good photographs of them and these birds were at some distance and I did not try to get closer in case I disturbed them.