
10 April 2022

Some good birds – Abha Area

Whilst birding the Abha area in March we came across several good birds. Phil Roberts had been there the day before I arrived and saw a flock of Arabian Partridge but unusually a group of Philby’s Partridge. This is the first time in a number of years the species has been recorded in this area as far as I am aware. Other good birds seen included Tihalma Shikra, Hammerkop, Arabian Serin, Violet-backed Starling, Yemen Linnet, African Stonechat, Yemen Thrush, Arabian Woodpecker and several Dusky Turtle Dove. Tens of Common Chiffchaff were passing through with only two Brown Woodland Warblers seen amongst them and a calling Yemen Warbler. Probably the best bird we saw was a pale phase Booted Eagle flying over but the light was harsh and photos taken not so good. This is the first record I have seen in this area of Saudi Arabia where they are a rare winter visitor.

Violet-backed Starling

Yemen Linnet

Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle