
22 April 2022

Plenty of migrants – Jubail

My last visit to Jubail in late March was quite productive with plenty of migrants seen. Shrikes were definitely on the move with 25 Daurian Shrikes, four Turkestan Shrikes, two Woodchat Shrike and a single Great Grey Shrike. A single Wryneck was hiding in the vegetation and hundreds of White Wagtail were gathering to depart to their breeding grounds. Wheatears seen included two Northern Wheatear, five Pied Wheatear, two Isabelline Wheatear and an Eastern Black-eared Wheatear. Small numbers of Eurasian Hoopoe, Red-throated Pipit and Common Chiffchaff were seen as was a single Citrine Wagtail. Late wintering species included two Greater Spotted Eagles and a few Western Marsh Harriers. A group of 50+ Pied Avocet may be preparing to breed or just staging before departing the area. A group of at least twenty Common Pochard was a slightly unusual sight, but they were quite distant and struggling in the large waves caused by the strong wind.

Citrine Wagtail

Eurasian Hoopoe

Great Grey Shrike

Marsh Sandpiper

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Red-throated Pipit

Woodchat Shrike