
04 January 2022

A few winter birds – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in late December we came across a few typical winter species for the location. Greater Spotted Eagle winters in the area in a few wetland areas and can often be seen perched on power lines masts or on the ground near the wetlands. Eurasian Coot is commoner this winter than in most recent winters with twenty plus birds seen most visits. Large White-headed Gull numbers have slowly increased and a few Steppe Guls are now sending much of the day at one of the main wetlands allowing some photos to be taken on rare occasions. These birds normally occur on. The coast in Jubail and this year have started using the flooded sabkha areas a bit more regularly than normal. Wader numbers have been relatively low with very few Kentish Plovers noted but a slight increase in Common Ringed Plovers. Wintering Daurian Shrikes appear to have stabilised at ten birds which is more than most recent winters

Steppe Gull

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Eurasian Coot

Daurian Shrike

Common Ringed Plover