
10 December 2021

Birding the Salwa area – Salwa

During late November I went to the Salwa area to see if there were any interesting birds about. I spent some time searching wet areas hoping to locate Prinias to try to identify what subspecies if any occurred there. On my previous visit in October I had not heard or seen any Prinias but the reed beds had be either burnt or destroyed by camels. This time the reeds had grown back nicely and more birds were seen. I only heard one Prinia briefly call and did not see it so am none the wiser as to what type, Delicate or Graceful, occurs there. Whilst looking for the Prinias I found an adult European Robin, which was my first record for the Kingdom but the bird was continually moving in the reeds and vegetation and I was not able to obtain any photos. Other birds seen in the reedy area included Spanish Sparrow, Eurasian Skylark and a small flock of about 15 Corn Bunting. These birds were continually coming down to some grain and allowed quite close approach. A Jack Snipe was seen on a large pool and a small number of European Starling were present. Three Black Redstart, several Common Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were seen feeding along the edge of some trees and an usual sight of a late Barn Swallow and very late Red-rumped Swallow together on a wire fence.

Corn Bunting

Corn Bunting

Corn Bunting

Corn Bunting

Black Redstart