
01 November 2021

Late autumn migrants – Jubail

Whilst birding the Jubail area in late October I saw a few late migrants including Spotted Flycatcher, Daurian and Turkestan Shrikes as well as a Common Redstart and a few Yellow Wagtails. A few Common Coot were seen, with this being the best location locally to see this species as well as a single female Norther Shoveler. There were still a few waders about with plenty of Common Snipe, Wood Sandpiper, Little Stint and Common Ringed Plover. Along a flooded area of sabkha we found a few Dunlin, Eurasian Curlew and Grey Plover allowing me to take the best photos so far in Saudi Arabia of the last species mentioned. A few White Wagtails have arrived for the winter and now winter birds will make up the majority of sightings. One exceptional record was a count of 534 Caspian Terns, easily the largest number recorded in this area.