Whilst birding in the Jubail area 29 October we came across good numbers of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters. This species migrates later than European Bee-eater with birds still passing in small numbers through to the middle of November. This autumn appears to have been a good year for them with birds being seen in good numbers from early July until present. Massive numbers of over 500 Caspian Terns remained as the number of Western Great Egrets has increased to 105 a very good count for this species. A few years ago numbers above ten were exceptional but now they regularly occur in numbers approaching 100. Ten Daurian Shrike were present with birds now as likely to be birds staying for the winter as passage migrants. A couple of species that are winter visitors were seen by me for the first time this winter in Water Pipit and Siberian Stonechat. Eight Great Spotted Eagles, a single Western Osprey and well over twenty Western Marsh Harriers were present with the eagles and Harriers staying now for the winter. A single Northern Shoveler was seen with 27 Eurasian Coot, a good count for this location. Waders were present in small numbers with Common Snipe, Dunlin, Common Ringed Plover, Little Stint, Marsh Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Common Redshank and Black-winged Stilt. Grey-headed Swamphen numbers are also on the increase, or more likely, becoming easier to see.
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater |
Common Snipe |
Northern Shoveler |
Western Osprey |
Grey-headed Swamphen |