
31 October 2021

Western Great Egrets on Dhahran Hills Lake – Dhahran Hills

The lake in Dhahran Hills still had a few good birds present on 29 October with five Gull-billed Terns flying around all evening. Heron numbers were slightly lower than in the week but still four Western Great Egrets were present. Seven Ferruginous Duck and three Eurasian Teal were hiding in the reeds but eventually came out onto the bank to rest. Great Cormorant numbers are steadily building to their winter peaks and birds were seen on the water as well as flying over and resting on the bank. A single Common Whitethroat, one Caspian Reed Warbler and a small group of Indian Silverbill were the best passerines. Waders seen included the normal Black-winged Stilts, one Ruff and a Common Sandpiper. Another notable sighting was 10 Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters flying around and sitting on the overhead power lines. 

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret

Great Cormorant

Great Cormorant

Great Cormorant

Ferruginous Duck

Ferruginous Duck