
04 October 2021

Birding the Sharma Beach area - Sharma

The Sharma Beach area is now part of the NEOM complex and is thus difficult to access many previously available locations. The beach area is good in winter for waders and Gulls with some places where you can drive a four-wheeled drive vehicle along the beach edge. When we were there in January we located a Sanderling working its way along the beach. This is a species I do not see very often in the East of the country so spent some time trying to obtain a few decent photographs of the species. Only a handful of Large White-headed Gulls were found and most were Caspian Gull with a reasonable number of Sooty Gulls intermixed with them. The only other bird of note was a fly over Long-legged Buzzard. 




Sooty Gull

Long-legged Buzzard

Long-legged Buzzard

Long-legged Buzzard

Long-legged Buzzard