
22 September 2021

Late Egyptian Nightjar – Jubail area

Whilst birding the Jubail area 17 September we came across a late Egyptian Nightjar. Most Egyptian Nightjars depart the Jubail area in early September although the latest sighting was 23 September 2015, so this was a good record. Most of the hirundines from last week had passed through with only a handful of Barn Swallows and a few more Sand Martins. Good numbers of shrikes were present, mainly Red-backed and Turkestan with a single Daurian. Wheatear numbers had increased with good numbers of Pied Wheatear, one Northern and a single Isabelline. Spotted Flycatchers & Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters are still present and waders were increasing in numbers with the best waders seen being Broad-billed Sandpiper and Marsh Sandpiper. Overt two hundred Caspian Terns and a similar number of Grey Herons were both large counts for the location.

Marsh Sandpiper

Spotted Flycatcher

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Egyptian Nightjar