
03 May 2021

Flycatchers, Redstarts, Shrikes & Crested Honey Buzzard – Deffi Park

Whilst birding Deffi Park at end of April, quite a number of migrants were recorded including a number of new species for the park for me. The most common migrant was Spotted Flycatcher, with plenty of both male and female Common Redstart also located. Shrikes were seen in good numbers with both Turkestan and Red-backed located along with a female White-throated Robin, all of which I had not seen previously in this park. Willow Warbler numbers were well done on previous weeks with only a single bird seen feeding on the ground by the small watercourse as were European Bee-eaters. A Crested Honey Buzzard was seen taking off from the ground but quickly flew off. This is a late date for this species in Saudi Arabia with most wintering birds departing by early April.

European Bee-eater

Spotted Flycatcher

Crested Honey-Buzzard