
29 April 2021

Some birds starting to breed – Jubail

Whilst birding Jubail recently I saw quite a few signs of breeding behaviour. Some of the water birds such as Common Moorhen and Grey-headed Swamphen have young with other such as Little Tern showing courtship behaviour as shown in the below photos. Little Ringed Plovers are paired up for breeding and a Spur-winged Lapwing that has been about for a few weeks may have a mate sitting on eggs? A Black-necked Grebe was found in full breeding plumage but no mate was about and these birds do not breed in the kingdom. Many herons are still around in fine breeding plumage including Squacco Herons, Little Egrets and BBlack-cronwed Night Herons but proving breeding is difficult – with the first confirmed breeding of Squacco Heron and Little Egret last year and no confirmed records of the Black-crowned Night Herons.

Wood Sandpiper

Red-throated Pipit

Little Tern

Little Tern

Little Ringed Plover

Black-necked Grebe

Black-necked Grebe