
25 April 2021

Migrants increasing in numbers – Jubail

Whilst birding Jubail recently there was good signs of increased migration. Migration this year has been a bit slow in the early period but now many migrants are passing such as Spotted Crake, Spotted Flycatcher, Common Redstart, Whinchat, Great Reed Warbler, Yellow Wagtails, Red-throated Pipits, Tree Pipits, European Bee-eaters and both Turkestan and Daurian Shrikes. Good numbers of both White-winged and Whiskered Terns in almost full summer plumage were seen as well and the number of Little Terns are slowly increasing as summer breeding season arrives. The last Greater Spotted Eagle and Western Marsh Harrier remain, and a stunning White-throated Kingfisher was a nice surprise and may now be breeding in the area, although not 100% confirmed.

Yellow Wagtail (beama)

European Bee-eater

European Bee-eater

Red-throated Pipit

Turkestan Shrike

White-winged Tern

White-winged Tern