
04 November 2020

Raptors in October – Eastern Province

Whilst birding several areas of the Eastern Province in October I have come across and photographed a number of raptors. In Haradh I saw two Pallid Harriers over the pivot irrigation fields. This is a regular species at this time of year with some remaining for the winter. Another bird of prey seen in Haradh was an adult Steppe Eagle. It was located circling high above the ground but luckily, we managed to drive the car to be directly underneath the bird. Steppe Eagle is a common passage migrant and winter visitor to the Kingdom and can be seen at Haradh throughout the winter. Common Kestrel is as its name suggests common in the Kingdom. Many are seen over pivot irrigation fields but the one I photographed was in Daffi Park, Jubail, perched in a tree. Jubail also held several Black Kites and by mid-October good numbers of Greater Spotted Eagles. Greater Spotted Eagles will now remain over winter and can be seen at most large wetland areas where they are often seen perched on power line structures.

Pallid Harrier

Steppe Eagle

Steppe Eagle

Common Kestrel

Black Kite

Black Kite

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle