
03 June 2020

White-throated Bee-eater – Raydah Escarpment

Whilst birdwatching the bottom of the Raydah Escarpment I came across a few White-throated Bee-eaters. This is a migratory species moving from winter quarters in Africa (Liberia to Uganda) to breeding locations in southwest Arabia including Saudi Arabia as well as the Sahel region of Africa. They are scarce breeding migrant below 1600 metres, mainly nesting in dry acacia bush country, wadis or cultivated areas with earth embankments and scattered trees. They are similar to other bee-eaters in the fact they catch flying insect during sorties from an obvious perch or during continuous flight. They are active during the day and are seen as pairs in early spring and occasionally family parties of several birds, including helpers, during the early summer. All Bee-eaters are beautiful birds but these are in my opinion particularly attractive due to their long tail streamers and plumage.
White-throated Bee-eater