
25 June 2020

Tobacco plant Nicotiana glauca – Wadi Thee Ghazal

Whist looking around Wadi Thee Ghazel, near Taif I came across a wadi with a number of Tree Tobacco plants Nicotiana glauca, growing. This is a species of wild tobacco who’s leaves are attached to the stalk by petioles. It grows to heights of more than two meters and is native to South America but it is now widespread as an introduced species on other continents, such as the plants I saw. The plant is used for a variety of medicinal purposes with leaves used as a poultice to treat swellings, bruises, cuts, wounds, boils, sores, inflamed throat, and swollen glands. It contains the toxic alkaloid anabasine and ingestion of the leaves can be fatal.
Tobacco plant

Tobacco plant