
16 April 2020

Leaking tap attracting birds – Hanidh

Whilst birding Hanidh in the spring the leaking tap that had caused a small puddle to form in a desert landscape with a few jebals nearby proved good for photographing birds. In the desert these waterholes are very attractive to birds so although the first couple of times we visited we did not see anything we always held hope birds would come and drink. Eventually we managed to photograph Pale Rochfinch and also got some reasonable photos of Crested Lark and Namaqua Dove. Even though we remained in the car the birds were still very timid and only flew in to drink briefly before departing. The below photos are the best I managed.
Namaqua Dove
Namaqua Dove
Namaqua Dove
Namaqua Dove
Crested Lark
Crested Lark
Crested Lark
Crested Lark 
Crested Lark
Crested Lark