
05 February 2020

Pale Crag Martin – Lake Dumat Al Jandal

Whilst in the Al Jouf area last winter we visited Lake Dumat Al Jandal and on the second day visited the far side of the lake away from the tourist area. This side had steppe cliffs leading from the water’s edge and when we got there, there were plenty of Pale Crag Martins flying around. This is not an easy bird to photograph in flight with a heavy 600mm lens but I tried my best and got a few reasonable shots. It is a common breeding resident in Saudi Arabia but in winter, large groups gather in the north of the Kingdom often near cliffs but also over pivot fields. 
Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin

Pale Crag Martin