
07 February 2020

Lesser Short-toed Lark – Haradh

Lesser Short-toed Lark is a rare breeding resident in northern and eastern areas of Saudi Arabia, including along the Gulf coast and perhaps also in central areas. It is also a common winter visitor, mainly in the north of the Kingdom, where it prefers open sandy or gravel plains or cultivated areas including pivot irrigation fields. I do not see the species often and the gathering of up to fifty birds in a pivot irrigation field in Haradh during the winter was the largest group I have seen together in the Kingdom. The birds were in a mixed flock with Greater Short-toed Larks and were feeding actively but were easily disturbed. The long primary projection and heavily streaked breast separated them from Greater Short-toed Larks nearby.
Lesser Short-toed Lark

Lesser Short-toed Lark

Lesser Short-toed Lark

Lesser Short-toed Lark

Lesser Short-toed Lark

Lesser Short-toed Lark