
21 February 2020

Larks – Ushaiqer

The rocky escarpment and desert area around Ushaiqer was a good place to see Desert Lark. They were quite common but not so easy to photograph. The area also looked good for Arabian Lark but our searches failed to locate this enigmatic species. We did however find a few Bar-tailed Larks looking a little strange but luckily for me Yoav Perman helped with the identification. Other larks located were the larger and much more obvious Greater Hoopoe-Lark. All three of these species are typical desert species that are not seen very often although all three are common breeding residents.
Bar-tailed Lark
Bar-tailed Lark
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Desert Lark
Desert Lark 
Greater Hoopoe-Lark
Greater Hoopoe-Lark