
09 February 2020

Four Cream-coloured Courser – Haradh

The Cream-coloured Courser is a common breeding resident and uncommon winter visitor to Saudi Arabia. It is found mainly in the north and east of the Kingdom and prefers flat open areas of sand and gravel steppe deserts, sometimes with sparse, low scrub. It often winters in pivot irrigation fields where it can be seen in ploughed as well as stubble fields. It is an excellent bird but one that is not so easy to get good photos of, as they are very timid and run away quickly when approached. We found four birds together in a pivot irrigation field at Haradh last winter and I managed to take a few photos which are shown below.
Cream-coloured Courser

Cream-coloured Courser

Cream-coloured Courser

Cream-coloured Courser