
01 November 2019

Arabian Scops Owl – Tanoumah

Whilst birdwatching the Tanoumah area in mi-October I managed to hear a number of Arabian Scops Owls Otus pamelae and photograph one. The Arabian Scops Owl has recently been split as a distinct species from African Scops Owl O. s. senegalensis. The areas where the Scops Owls have been seen by recently are now being built on and this location will soon no longer hold the birds, as a result I will now need to try to find another good location for hearing and seeing them. The calling birds are not easy to locate in the large trees they favour but if you keep at it, it is possible to see the birds as they often sit in an exposed location, although still remaining very difficult to see.
Arabian Scops Owl

Arabian Scops Owl

Arabian Scops Owl

Arabian Scops Owl

Arabian Scops Owl